Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The January Contest Winner Is...

It's obvious that idea of winning a bottle of rum has more appeal than winning a piece of pottery.  We had less participation this time... we may need to pick up another bottle of Bajan liquid sunshine.  Hmmm

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest.  There were 8 participants with correct entries and one who was looking through a fish bowl and not surfing at the Soup Bowl.

The correct answers are:-

Part One - Flying Fish

Part Two - The Soul Bowl

The names of all participants who submitted the correct answer were transcribed onto individual ballots.  These ballots were then placed into John's toque and one drawn by one of our contest officials, also known to be Stratford Shakespeare Festival Carpenters.

And the winner is....
Heather Sanderson of Ottawa.  Congratulations!!!

Look for more contests in the coming weeks with prizes direct from Barbados.

John & Tracy 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Almost closed in...

Hi folks,

Here are some new pictures of our build.  The next blog with photos will be after our upcoming trip.  We leave on Saturday and will be back on the 29th of January.  Yes we will be busy with construction details and yes we will be hitting the Caribbean Blue!!!

From under the Mayflower Tree

Bajan Scaffold

From Tracy's parents' house

Looking up and through the master bedroom window

Balinese roof fully framed 

First windows are in

Ceiling goes on